Santorini Car Rental (hereinafter the "Company") that created the web-site (hereinafter the "web-site"), offers its services under the following terms of use. The visitor/user of the pages of the web-site shall read thoroughly the following terms and proceed to the visit/usage of the web-site's pages/services, only if he accepts the said terms in total. The already existing services, as well as any new services that shall be added to the web-site fall under the present terms, unless if expressly stated otherwise.
1.1. The Company shall use its best endeavors in order to ensure that all the information contained in the web-site is complete and accurate. However, due to the nature and the volume of Internet, under any circumstances, even in the case of negligence, the Company, bears no liability whatsoever, for any damage suffered by a visitor/user of the pages, services choices and content of the web-site, in which the visitor proceeds on its own initiative.
1.2. The Company does not assume any liability with regard to the limited duration, the deletion, the misrepresentation or the incapability of saving of any of the users data or/and any content of personal pages/services.
1.3. The company shall use its best endeavors in order to ensure the web-site is safe for the users, but does not guaranty that any program or information contained therein is free of viruses or other elements danger for corruption of the user's/visitor's operating system. Each user exclusively has the obligation to use an anti-virus software and secure its information and its operating system.
1.4. The Company bears no liability for the content of the web-site of third parties that are interconnected with it by links.
1.5. The visitor/use of the web-site undertakes the obligation to abide by the rules of Greek and International Law and refrain from any and all illegal and unethical use of the Site.
2.1. The handling/managing and the protection of the visitor/user's personal data is governed by the present terms and the relevant laws of Greek Law (L. 2472/1997, as amended, P.D. 207/1998, P.D. 79/2000 and art. 8 L. 2819/2000), and EU Law (Dir. 95/46/EC and Dir. 97/66/EC)
Personal Data collected by the web-site are the following:
M a n d a t o r y:
Name, Surname, Address, City, Street Nr., P.C., Telephone, Year of birth, Profession, e-mail address.
2.2. If the visitor/user wishes to subscribe to the services of the web-site, agrees to: a) provide true, accurate, valid and complete information with regard to the information required by the web-site in the relevant applications for access in its information/services and b) maintain and meticulously update its subscription information in order keep these information true, accurate, valid, updated and complete.
2.3. The information in above are never disclosed to any third parties (unless it is required by the Law and only to the competent Authorities), and its personal nature is preserved.
2.4. However, in any case, the visitor/user may, after having contacted the relevant department and being informed upon the existence of a personal file, ask its deletion, correction or its amendment. Juveniles shall access the web-site only after obtaining their parents/guardians consent and are not obliged to disclose any personal data.
2.5. The web-site may use cookies in order to identify the visitor/user of certain services and pages of the web-site. Cookies are small word files saved to the hard ware of every visitor and do not cognize any of the information contained therein. They are used for statistical purposes in order to identify the most popular pages of the web-site.
2.6. In specific, with regards to chat services and forum, the web-site may record messages sent by visitors/users in order to trace any breach of the terms of this present, but under no circumstances to reveal its content to third parties.
2.7. In case of links to other websites, the web-site bears no liability for their personal data policy.
3.1. After the visitor/user completes the subscription procedure, he shall receipt confirmation of a personal password and user name chosen by the latter. The members bear full liability for any actions committed under their personal password, their user name and in general the personal user account.
3.2. All members agree to promptly notify the Company for any non authorized usage of their personal account any infraction, or possible infraction. In addition all members are fully liable for the correct use of their personal account and the prompt log out of their account at the end of every use. The Company bears no liability for any damage suffered by the members due to the breach of this present clause. After the creation of a personal account, its deletion is not possible.
It is expressly agreed by this present that in case of any alleged claims, demands, causes of action, judgments, arising out of, or relating to any type of violation or breach incurred by a visitor/user of the web-site, the visitor/user that performed the said violation or breach, undertakes the obligation to intervene to the relevant Court procedure and to fully indemnify the Company in case the latter is condemned to indemnification or any other expense.
5.1. The present agreement of Terms of Use is governed by the Laws of Greece, the EU Directives and Regulations and the relevant laws of International Law, and shall be interpreted in accordance with the notion of good faith belief, the honest practices and the financial and social scope of each right contained therein.
5.2. If any provision of this agreement shall be declared illegal and therefore invalid, void and null, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless continue in full force and effect.
5.3. Any amendment to this present shall be in writing and incorporated herein.
5.4. Greek courts are the only competent to solve any disputes and/or differences arising out and/or in connection with this present Agreement.
Santorini Car Rental - 14/01/2025